A note from Luke Hansen

Dear friends of Discerning Deacons,

I’m writing today to let you know that I’m in the process of shifting from a full-time position on the leadership team to a volunteer support role with Discerning Deacons. Beginning next month, I’m returning to full-time ministry in a school setting, where I’ll have the opportunity to again accompany young people in the areas of spirituality, social justice and vocational discernment. 

I share this news with both sadness and joy in my heart. What can I say about a project, a leadership team and an emerging team of leaders that have moved my heart so deeply over the past seven months? Our collective work together is helping strengthen and renew the Church we love! There is so much at stake. Not only will women as deacons make a profound difference in our communities and our world, but each of us is finding our voice and discovering the powerful ways God is calling us.

The project is in very good hands with our leadership team — Casey, Ellie and Lisa. You’ve undoubtedly witnessed their incredible vision, joy, organization and empowerment of others.

My collaboration with this outstanding team goes back a couple years, as we’ve worked together on parish talks, discernment workshops, and last year’s Phoebe Day celebration. Though in a different capacity, I look forward to continuing to bring my experiences and gifts to Discerning Deacons as another virtual celebration of St. Phoebe is on the horizon and as we plan our delegation to Rome to bring the fruits of our discernment to church leaders there.

Today I’m starting my annual retreat. My last day on the leadership team is August 6. A week later, I’ll return to full-time ministry with students. And I look forward to being with you when we celebrate the Feast of St. Phoebe together on September 3!

With heartfelt gratitude to all of you, and with prayers for our work in the Church,


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“As a college campus minister, diaconal ordination wouldn’t change how I encounter my students on the margins, but it would change how they encounter the Church through me. I wouldn’t be only Julia, their campus minister who tells them that God loves them unconditionally, but an official representative of a Church that loves them too.”
Julia Erdlen
College Campus Minister and Hospital Chaplain, St. Louis, MO
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“Restoring the diaconate in my church, to include women, supports the hopes and desires of our whole community where I see a longing for both male and female deacons to serve. As soon as I had the opportunity to become an acolyte, I became one. If I had the opportunity to become a deacon, I similarly would rejoice at the opportunity!”
Jessica Kenny
Chaplain, ConnectEd, Alta-1 College, Perth, Western Australia
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“If I were ordained a deacon, it would only be because I have accepted a call to a vocation that is equally accessible to women.“
Oblate James Holzhauer-Chuckas, ObSB
Executive Director of United Catholic Youth Ministries, Chicago, IL

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