¡Descarga e imprime las estampitas de Santa Febe gratis! (sólo para uso no comercial). (for non-commercial use only).
Click the links below each prayer card to download a PDF in your desired language. Each item includes a standard PDF (“Home Printing”) and a PDF that includes crop marks and bleeds that can be submitted to a professional printer (“Professional Printing”).
Para comprar estampitas impresas profesionalmente, por favor visita nuestra tienda.
“Phoebe Deacon Icon”
(Cheryl Liske, OP)
“St. Phoebe, Deaconess”
(Libby Gray Koultourides)
“St. Phoebe Diakonos”
(And Her Saints)
Downloads coming soon!
“St. Phoebe and St. Paul”
(Unknown origin)
“St. Phoebe”
(Bro. Mickey McGrath)
“St. Phoebe Icon”
(Suzanne Massie)