Restoring women to the diaconate would provide an official witness to the diaconía (ministry of service) already taking place among women in the Church, just as it has done for men ministering in the Church.
Having women serve as deacons in our community would help to facilitate many ministries (eg., hospital chaplains, prison ministry) particularly for the women ministering and being ministered to. Also, it would allow there to be the ability to preach at Mass, directly stemming from one’s ministry of service.
Discerning Deacons keeps the importance of recognizing the ministry of women in the Church as a part of an ongoing conversation and discernment. It also supports the ongoing synodal process taking place.
My ministry as a priest for 46 years has largely been focused upon promoting unity and dialogue. I’ve served as ecumenical/interreligious officer for our diocese and in Muslim/Catholic dialogue. I see women’s ordination to the diaconate as an extension of that ministry.