Fr. Stephen P Newton, CSC
Executive Director, Association of US Catholic Priests, Notre Dame, IN
April 4, 2024

“Not only is ordaining women as deacons a restoration of the dynamism of the early Church, it is a matter of justice!”

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“And when I get antsy waiting, as I often do, I remember the women I met who showed me that the ‘not yet’ is an “already.” Women deacons have existed and continue to exist. Someday, I may be one of them.“
Julia D’Agostino, MDiv
Theology Student, ThM Candidate
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“I have not given a thought about becoming a deacon, but would consider the possibility if asked to become a deacon. Ultimately, I know and feel strongly that the presence of women ministerially can have a profound impact on the Church.”
Kathy Herrington
Lector and Community Minister, Northbrook, IL
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“God has a marvelous plan in all things and whether or not I am called to the diaconate, my service to God and God’s people will always continue. Discerning is a process that always comes with change.”
Helena Ditko
Parish Council Member & Catechist, San Fernando Region, CA,

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