St. John Fisher Parish
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
June 17, 2024
Ver la grabación of the St. Phoebe Day celebration at St. John Fisher Parish during the first weekend of September 2023. Statements from women witnesses begin at 25:30. 

At St. John Fisher Parish in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, we celebrated the accomplishments of St. Phoebe through song, special liturgy, and witness at each of our Masses during the first weekend of September 2023.  Our celebration also included two powerful witness statements from female leaders in our parish, and special intercessions that uplifted the ministry of women in our Church.  It was amazing to hear about the works of St. Phoebe and her collaboration with St. Paul, and to recognize how both women and men have contributed to the founding of our faith. 

Learning about the history of women in the diaconate gave context to efforts to enable women’s participation in the diaconate today, and it was powerful to celebrate St. Phoebe and uplift the ministry of women in our own community. The celebration was a great opportunity to acknowledge how women already support our church in so many ways, and how with discernment those opportunities may grow in the future! 

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“And when I get antsy waiting, as I often do, I remember the women I met who showed me that the ‘not yet’ is an “already.” Women deacons have existed and continue to exist. Someday, I may be one of them.“
Julia D’Agostino, MDiv
Theology Student, ThM Candidate
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“I have not given a thought about becoming a deacon, but would consider the possibility if asked to become a deacon. Ultimately, I know and feel strongly that the presence of women ministerially can have a profound impact on the Church.”
Kathy Herrington
Lector and Community Minister, Northbrook, IL
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“God has a marvelous plan in all things and whether or not I am called to the diaconate, my service to God and God’s people will always continue. Discerning is a process that always comes with change.”
Helena Ditko
Parish Council Member & Catechist, San Fernando Region, CA,

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