Will Rutt
Director ejecutivo, Centro Intercomunitario de Paz y Justicia, Seattle, Washington
April 26, 2021

"Negar la vocación del diaconado a las mujeres es una opción arraigada en la escasez y el miedo que perjudica a toda la Iglesia y nos roba a cada uno de nosotros los dones que las mujeres tienen que ofrecer. Espero este paso fundamental hacia una comunidad más inclusiva y empoderada que permita el pleno florecimiento humano de cada persona."

Seeing women deacons would serve as a vast, yet strikingly modest, step in the right direction to help loosen the unnecessary (can we say unjust?) thorn in the Church’s side. It would open doors allowing the full range of gifts (of women) to heal, accompany, and refresh others. It would bring about the kind of renewing of spirit that we often pray for in our Church. 
Fr. Martin Ngo, SJ
University Teacher and Content Specialist, Los Angeles, CA
I have always felt called to ministry leadership, and I hope to be able to serve others as a deacon one day in my lifetime. Specifically, I have training as a preacher and experience officiating weddings. I often lean in to help plan funerals for loved ones, and prayer services around significant events. These ways of offering my service and gifts to others makes me feel most alive.
Krista M. Kutz, MDiv
Parishioner and Volunteer (St. Margaret of Scotland), Growth & Impact Manager (Ministry Scheduler Pro), St. Louis, MO
I feel called to a greater spiritual life on this earth daily. This call goes unfulfilled within the community we currently have in the Church. I stay faithful to the Church in the hope that the Holy Spirit will breathe new life into the Church so that all who are called might serve.
June Caldwell
Eucharistic Minister, Proclaimer of the Word, Erie, PA

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