"Un profundo privilegio servir y acompañar a mi comunidad local"

Anne Attea viajó a la Ciudad de México en peregrinaje a la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe con Discerning Deacons en 2022.

Desire. Passion. Call. For almost 40 years I have lived out a call to diakonia as a lay ecclesial minister in the Catholic Church. As a child my family nurtured my faith, I longed for the sacraments and sought to draw closer to God. At all ages, I have desired to know God better and […]

Hablando con Jesús sobre tu Bautismo

By Lisa Amman, Deputy Director of Engagement at Discerning Deacons This week as we Celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan, I’m reminded of my dear colleague and mentor Sr. Josetta Marie Spencer, SSND. When I was a young and new ecclesial minister at my first parish, I had the fortune […]

Escuchar, honrar y creer los testimonios de fe de las mujeres

Reflection for the celebration of St. Phoebe by Rhonda Miska A reading from the holy gospel according to Luke (24:1-11) “At daybreak on the first day of the week, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb…behold, two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They said to them, ‘Why […]

“Phoebe Deacon Icon,” por Cheryl Liske, OP

St. Phoebe, Deacon Icon by Cheryl Liske 10”w x 14”h Egg Tempera on board Completed Spring of 2024 Artist Statement Phoebe appears in Paul’s letter to the Romans, in which he exhorts the Romans: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.” Paul writes, “I ask you to receive […]

Women Deacons Revisited

Women Deacons Revisited by Anthony Gooley In an interview with the 60 Minutes which aired on CBS T.V. on May 20, 2024, in the USA, Pope Francis expressed a clear no to the possibility of ordaining women as deacons. It is worth exploring what he said and the implications of what he said given that […]

DD Response: The Discernment is Still Alive

As leaders of Discerning Deacons, we were surprised by Pope Francis’ comments given in a recent interview for 60 Minutes because our global Church is in the middle of a three-year synod consultation process which the Holy Father initiated with the People of God.   We know of the Holy Father’s commitment to transform the culture […]

"Veo a las mujeres...reclamar su llamada a predicar con más confianza y amor."

An interview with Rhonda Miska Rhonda Miska strives to live out her vocational call to preach. She serves at the Church of St. Timothy in Blaine, Minnesota, is a member of the Catholic Women Preach Advisory Board, and is the founder and co-convener of the Catholic Women’s Preaching Circle. Rhonda holds a MA in Pastoral […]

Study Groups an Encouraging Step on the Synodal Path

DD Public Statement The Vatican recently announced that a group will be formed to study ministerial roles. Some headlines would lead us to believe that the question of ordaining women to the diaconate is once again being kicked down the road to be resolved some other time or never.  However, we at Discerning Deacons recognize […]

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