Peregrinando para crecer en libertad, amor y servicio

This week I’m traveling with a group of leaders from Dolores Mission Church and School community to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. We will be joining a larger group of women and priests from Discerning Deacons and from Latin America, and our journey will help us to deepen our faith […]

Gratitud, Celebración y Peregrinación

We gathered last Thursday evening with a dozen marvelous Synod Animators to offer gratitude and celebrate the milestone of turning in our official listening synthesis! With over 350 consultations and nearly 9,000 people engaged – we reflected on what it is to bring forward our loaf, to trust that it is enough, and to believe […]

Reciba Nuestro Boletín Informativo

Aquí es donde compartimos noticias relevantes, eventos y oportunidades para participar en la labor. 
*Únicamente enviaremos el boletín una vez cada semana, y nunca compartiremos o venderemos su información.