What does Jesus ask of women in a violent world?
Restoring women to the order of deacons could grow the Church’s peacemaking efforts By Ellie Hidalgo This article originally appeared in the September 2024 issue of El Ignaciano. One week into my pastoral ministry work at Dolores Mission Church in East Los Angeles, I received an urgent phone call. The grandson of one of our […]
Santa Febe, ¡ruega por nosotros!
Happy Feast Day, St. Phoebe! A blessed feast day for all the women and men for whom the charism of the diaconate—to respond generously to the pastoral needs in our communities—touches our vocational call. It’s a joyful day for the many parish, school and university communities who already receive the diaconal ministry of women and who will […]
Recomendaciones de lectura para el verano
We hope your summer includes opportunities for rest, reflection and restoration! Following the publication of the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris for the second gathering of the General Assembly, there has been a flurry of good articles to read about Synod preparations alongside commentary about women’s participation in the Church. We have a few to recommend for […]
El testimonio como un don que compartimos
A word of gratitude to the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP), who during their recent annual assembly in Lexington, June 24-27, welcomed local Catholic women to join them in a conversation during the dynamic keynote session by Dr. Kim Harris of Loyola Marymount University, “You can tell the world! Testimony as a gift we […]
"A veces estoy cansada, pero voy porque necesito estar ahí para la gente."
An interview with Rosella Kinoshameg Rosella Kinoshameg is from the Odawa/Ojibway people and lives in the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Reserve in Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada. She’s a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother – and a retired registered nurse who worked for more than 50 years with First Nation communities as a Community Health Nurse. In 2000 […]
Todavía hay tiempo para que el Papa Francisco escuche a las mujeres
The pope’s recent interview on 60 Minutes – in which he said that “no” a girl cannot dream to one day be an ordained deacon – has prompted many people to offer varying perspectives on how to interpret this fragile moment in the Interim Phase of the Synod on Communion, Participation and Mission. This week […]
En este Pentecostés: Confía en el poder del amor
This year, Jesus’ Ascension, Mother’s Day and Pentecost are back-to-back Sundays. As I reflect on the role which mothers, grandmothers, tías/aunts, and madrinas/godmothers have had in my life, I am reminded of something Pope Francis said at the start of this year on World Peace Day: “The world, too, needs to look to mothers and […]
Reconstruir nuestra Iglesia renovando la diaconía
Many thanks to the more than 1,000 people and the half dozen watch parties who participated in our April 29th webinar Discerning Diakonia! We welcomed participants from the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. If you were not able to join us, you can watch the recording here in English or Spanish. Several […]
¿Nos llama el Espíritu Santo a renovar el diaconado?
Recently I said to my young adult nieces and nephews: If there is one thing you can do this year to support the discernment about women and the diaconate, this is it! Come and participate in Discerning Diakonia on Monday, April 29th and join with hundreds of others virtually to talk about women’s participation in […]
2023 Un repaso de fin de año de Discerning Deacons: Corresponsables de la Pregunta
“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it.” St. Paul to the Thessalonians 5:24 From your local parish, to dioceses around the country, to five continents, to the historic Vatican Synod on Communion, Participation and Mission, a question about women and the diaconate is being asked. The question is raised […]