May 4, 2022 - 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM MST (7:30 PM to 8:30 PM ET)

Synodal Listening Session – Women in the Military


Catholic Women called to become Chaplains in the Armed Forces, Veterans, and those currently serving all who desire female Catholic spirituality: Pope Francis wants to hear from us! He wants to hear about our calling, joys and sorrows. He wants to hear about our hopes and dreams for the Church and how we experienced spirituality while in the military. He has called for a two year synod, which means “walk together” to listen, share, and discern what the Holy Spirit is stirring within each of us, and what witness we may have for the wider Church, and how Catholic spirituality is experienced while in uniform. 

As a Synodal Ambassador, I will be hosting a virtual Synodal Consultation in response to Pope Francis’ summons that will focus on our individual calling, experiences along the way, and our overall hopes and dreams for the Church. 

This Synodal Listening Session is a time to share and listen. It is NOT a space to criticize or condemn. Notes will be taken from the Synodal Consultation, and the syntheses (excluding names) will be shared with the Discerning Deacons project, and then with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as they prepare for the meeting of bishops to be held in Rome. 

Join the conversation on May 4th at 5:30 pm MST (7:30 pm ET).

Please register below to receive the link to join the zoom session. Contact Jessica Morel for more information.

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