What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you through these Holy Days, as you draw near to Jesus and seek the grace to practice resurrection?
If you are in a parish with a deacon serving the community, I’d invite you to notice the role the deacon plays throughout the Triduum. As you draw your eye to the liturgical ministry of a deacon, what does it signify about the role of the deacon for the Church? How does the embodied, liturgical service of the deacon invite the whole of the gathered assembly to enter in and participate in the paschal mystery we proclaim in a particular way over these holy days?
Finally – I want to share one of my favorite pieces of writing about Catholicism, it is Mary Margaret Alvadro’s account of a particularly apocalyptic Holy Thursday service and the ways Catholic women are the ones to follow through the storm… This gorgeous, brief essay is one I return to frequently for reminders about what it is I love about Holy Week and the tradition of faith that carries us forward.
With peace and prayers,