New date!! Sunday, March 13th, 2022 | 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm*
The question of women and the diaconate is a living conversation and an active discernment in our Church. In a listening, participatory and synodal Church, it is a question not only for Synods of Bishops and papal commissions, but it is a discernment for the entire people of God. The heart of this meeting will be an opportunity for women to discern, reflect, to speak and be heard about our key question:
What is the Holy Spirit saying to each of us with regard to discerning women as permanent deacons?
The agenda will include a scriptural reading with a short, preached reflection by a woman, testimonies from local women experiencing a call to the diaconate and quiet and shared reflection time in table groups. Table reflections will be shared back to the full group and a synthesis of the findings will be made available to the Vatican as part of the Global Synod process.
*please arrive by 1:45 pm to check-in.