“Without women there is no Catholic church, hospital, school, university, social service, prison ministry, etc. The role of deacon would pour out the Spirit on the Church and the world through the women in whom He/She resides.
[Having women deacons in my parish] would be a visible sign of God’s love for all humanity and would recognize women as leaders in the parish—beyond the leadership women demonstrate often without title. I converted to Catholicism due in large part to the leadership of a woman who served as parish leader through the position of Parish Life Director (PLD) in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
My daughters cannot understand why I attend a church that has limits on the role of women. Women can be judges, university presidents, corporate executives, astronauts, but not ordained as servants of God, the Church and humanity.
I attended Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry years ago. There were many gifted Catholic women there; seeking theological training and spiritual formation. Some, in search of a place to utilize their gifts, left the Catholic Church in order to obtain ordained leadership positions in other denominations and faith traditions.”