In June of 2022, I participated in a Discerning Deacons breakout session at the Assembly of US Catholic Priests. I said right away that our parish would like to participate. When I was ordained a priest in 1977, I was among many who held out the hope that we might see the day that women were ordained. I’m now 73 and can’t imagine I will live to see that day! But the possibility of women deacons sounds hopeful.
On Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023, our Franciscan Parish hosted Sr. Teresita Wiend, a sister of Notre Dame, as our homilist. I made the decision to exchange the prescribed 2nd Reading from Romans so that we could hear the two verses in the Letter to the Romans where Phoebe is introduced. Sr. Teresita wove a beautiful reflection, helping paint the picture of what Phoebe was probably experiencing. She concluded the homily with a robust call for women deacons. Of course, she received a standing ovation!
Personally, I have struggled with the role of deacons, which added another male vested in the sanctuary. I know the pain of many women watching the sanctuary be even more dominated by men. The thought of have a woman deacon in our sanctuary is thrilling!