St. Therese Parish
Seattle, WA
May 1, 2024
Rose Hesselbrock and Victoria Ries, two members of the St. Phoebe Day planning team at St. Therese.

Here at St. Therese Parish in Seattle, Washington we uplifted the witness of St. Phoebe during the weekend of September 10, 2023 at our parish Masses. Our liturgy featured hymns highlighting St. Phoebe, a reflection offered by a lay woman, a discussion about St. Phoebe and the ongoing Synod the week before and prayer cards and other informational materials available at the social hour after Mass.

Parishioners responded enthusiastically to our celebration! One parishioner shared her hope that, “Now my daughters can envision an active role for themselves in the future because they saw you share your reflection.” Prior to our celebration together, many parishioners were not familiar with St. Phoebe and her witness and ministry. We hope that we can continue the momentum that we started with our celebration and continue the conversation regarding women’s participation in the Church.

In preparing for our celebration, those involved in planning were able to demonstrate how change within the Church does not need to be cause for division, but rather can bring our community together. The Church has experienced change before; we should not fear! We will continue on this journey alongside one another.

Rose Hesselbrock offers a Gospel reflection, speaking from St. Phoebe’s perspective.
“As a college campus minister, diaconal ordination wouldn’t change how I encounter my students on the margins, but it would change how they encounter the Church through me. I wouldn’t be only Julia, their campus minister who tells them that God loves them unconditionally, but an official representative of a Church that loves them too.”
Julia Erdlen
College Campus Minister and Hospital Chaplain, St. Louis, MO
“Restoring the diaconate in my church, to include women, supports the hopes and desires of our whole community where I see a longing for both male and female deacons to serve. As soon as I had the opportunity to become an acolyte, I became one. If I had the opportunity to become a deacon, I similarly would rejoice at the opportunity!”
Jessica Kenny
Chaplain, ConnectEd, Alta-1 College, Perth, Western Australia
“If I were ordained a deacon, it would only be because I have accepted a call to a vocation that is equally accessible to women.“
Oblate James Holzhauer-Chuckas, ObSB
Executive Director of United Catholic Youth Ministries, Chicago, IL

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