The Immaculata
San Diego, CA
March 26, 2024

At The Immaculata in San Diego, CA we organized an event for individuals from the parish and surrounding parishes to prayerfully reflect upon and learn about the witness of St. Phoebe and the role of women in the Church on the feast of St. Phoebe. Participants reflected in circles of synodal listening about their hopes, disappointments, curiosities and where they feel they are being called in the future. We heard a presentation about the “herstory” of women in the Bible, and why St. Phoebe and other women have often been hidden from history.

The joy, hope and energy from this event was palpable. Women and men, young and old were brought together for meaningful listening, learning and imagining. At least 12 area parishes were represented. This event raised so much awareness of St. Phoebe, and many shared their own experiences and witnesses with courage. This was a wonderful opportunity to listen and share with another, openly sharing the hope we have for greater acknowledgement of the ministry of women in the Church, and our own roles within this discernment. We will continue to connect with one another in prayerful discernment on this journey!

“As a college campus minister, diaconal ordination wouldn’t change how I encounter my students on the margins, but it would change how they encounter the Church through me. I wouldn’t be only Julia, their campus minister who tells them that God loves them unconditionally, but an official representative of a Church that loves them too.”
Julia Erdlen
College Campus Minister and Hospital Chaplain, St. Louis, MO
“Restoring the diaconate in my church, to include women, supports the hopes and desires of our whole community where I see a longing for both male and female deacons to serve. As soon as I had the opportunity to become an acolyte, I became one. If I had the opportunity to become a deacon, I similarly would rejoice at the opportunity!”
Jessica Kenny
Chaplain, ConnectEd, Alta-1 College, Perth, Western Australia
“If I were ordained a deacon, it would only be because I have accepted a call to a vocation that is equally accessible to women.“
Oblate James Holzhauer-Chuckas, ObSB
Executive Director of United Catholic Youth Ministries, Chicago, IL

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